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Τρίτη 30 Αυγούστου 2011

United Poets Laureate International

                                                                                    July 7, 1997 - 6:50 A.M

Dear Mme Poetess Koundouri,

Good morning. Thank you greatfly for sharing your delightfull book of poems "FUTILE  SONGS ON THE RIVER-BANKS OF THE WORLD"  and impressive Curriculum Vitae enclosed received June 24th.
Humbly, I must agree with the eminent Giorgos Valettas that your poems are a quest for life in depth chatacterized by a unique sensitivity with a humane outlook.

Sometimes words are hard to find or express in brief literary works. Having read your poems, humbly I find your poetry imaginatively creative and allegorically sensitive.

I say imaginatively sensitive because the creative imagination is one the greatest powers humans possess as it is an attribute of thinking. When rightly used, it is a key that opens doors, unlocking the hidden mysteries and powers of the soul and mind.

I say allegorically sensitive because your verses have deep veiled messages - figuratively humane or symbolically humanistic in nature. May heaven bless you and the muses inspire you evermore with these noble feelings.

Modesty aside, in my view I see a rising star in your good self.

                                                                                 Yours sincerely
                                                                              Benjamin R. Yuzon

                                                                                 M.E. President
                                                                               USA - Philippines

Διεθνής ΄Ενωση Δαφνοστεφανωμένων Ποιητών

 Αγαπητή Ποιήτρια,

Καλημέρα. Σας ευχαριστώ για το μοίρασμα του απολαυστικού βιβλίου των ποιημάτων σας «Μάταια ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ στις όχθες του Κόσμου» και  το εντυπωσιακό βιογραφικό σημείωμα που περικλείεται κι έλαβα στις 24 Ιουνίου.
Ταπεινάοφείλω να συμφωνήσω με τον περίφημο  Γιώργο Βαλέτα ότι τα ποιήματά σας είναι μια αναζήτηση της ζωής σε βάθος και  χαρακτηρίζονται από μια μοναδική ευαισθησία  κι ανθρωπιστική  προοπτική.
Μερικές φορές οι λέξεις είναι δύσκολο να βρεθούν ή να εκδηλώσουν  εν συντομία τα λογοτεχνικά έργαΈχοντας διαβάσει τα ποιήματά σαςταπεινά βρίσκω στην ποίησή σας φαντασία δημιουργική και αλληγορικά ευαίσθητη.
Το λέω φαντασία ευαίσθητη, γιατί η δημιουργική φαντασία είναι μια από τις μεγαλύτερες εξουσίες που έχουν οι άνθρωποι, χαρακτηριστικό της σκέψηςΌταν χρησιμοποιείται σωστά, είναι ένα κλειδί που ανοίγει τις πόρτεςτο ξεκλείδωμα στα κρυμμένα μυστήρια και στις εξουσίες της ψυχής και του νου.
Το λέω, γιατί οι αλληγορικά ευαίσθητοι στίχοι σας έχουν καλυμμένα βαθιά 
μηνύματα  - μεταφορικά, με ανθρώπινο ή συμβολικό ανθρωπιστικό χαρακτήρα. 
Εύχομαι ο ουρανός να σας ευλογεί και οι Μούσες  να σας εμπνέουν πάντα με αυτά τα ευγενή αισθήματα.
Σεμνά, κατά την άποψή μου βλέπω ένα ανερχόμενο αστέρι στο καλό σας εαυτό.

Κυριακή 28 Αυγούστου 2011

It's the everyday person who lives quietly on the path, trying to strong
 and weak sentiments.
Is the door separating the personal from our social space, omitting the  cry.
It's the  abolished God of the pharaonic era. A God that seeks to impose
his authority,  generating on the fluid chaos -from the very matter - his
fabulous children.
It's instant people and events that complement number or cycle.
His  unfulfilled dreams, salvation or destruction.  

  Ρα - Ατουμ

The seasons of the ideal of self-deception 
Four seasons and twelve letters: Contemplative texts


Two persons, female and male, four seasons and twelve months. Two different worlds participants in existential communication. The difficult living with anotherself, marked by thoughts and memories, from denial and affirmation by doubtsand questionsconflict and compromise, of dreams and illusions, the failedimplementation of the idea into practice. The flight, search, returning mentallyhappening between passages and painted in painted areas.

The Time of memory 

Twelve persons were, as we was, like those who come will still be within a circle of thoughts and feelings, with time to be completed between everything and nothing, with memory n 'grind love, ideals, fears, wishes, truths, lies, ambition, arrogance, greed, slander, hatred and passion, the soul n 'resist or resign in loneliness.

The end of days 

The pair of ancient Greek deluge in a different version of the myth. The kosmochalasia becomes the cause to lose one another.The woman lives alone and not resisting the expectation of his return, he decides to look for him on a long course through nature.The road is not easy in the world that gave birth. Somewhere over the dream and reality, the truth is subjective and a truth that seems like an impenetrable lie. In the journey of knowledge cities yesterday, present and future. Meets timeless forms of romance, race, power, love, power and exploitation. People with their particular personality to narrate their own history and their reunion with a Deucalion, which is built and painted by their psychic and spiritual brush and nobody responds at all with the image of her beloved companion.
Rate translation

Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2011


Oh! threatening heavens!
You come against me
in order to sarcastically shatter
the remains of dreams!
You baptized me “Deposed Angel”.
You exiled me in an arid and barren ground.
You kept the horn of Amalthia (abundance)
for your own children.
Hate me , therefore ! Hate me,
as hard as you can.
It does not interest me.
Hate my mortal flesh,
the eyes painted with hunger.
A “small ” piece, very small!
- minimal happiness –
if you deny the distribution,
I will steal its' crumb
from your chosen expectations.
You will sow the seed
of an immortal generation
- I'm not making an error –
when my existence will turn into dust.
Thus you revenge me,
because I resisted your errand,
I ignored your power,
I pointed the furious waves
adversely at the deserted, silent rocks.

                                           ELEFTHERIA KOUNDOURI


Ω Ουρανοί!..
Απειλητικοί έρχεστε καταπάνω μου
να συντρίψετε σαρκαστικά
τα υπολείμματα των ονείρων!

Με βαφτίσατε ΄Εκπτωτο ΄Αγγελο.
Μ' εξορίσατε σε μια γη άνυδρη και στείρα.

Το κέρας της Αμάλθειας
φυλάξατε για τα δικά σας παιδιά.

Μισήστε με, λοιπόν!.. Μισήστε με,
όσο δυνατότερα μπορείτε. Αδιαφορώ!..

Μισήστε τη θνητή μου σάρκα,
τα μάτια με τη ζωγραφισμένη πείνα.

΄Ενα μικρό κομμάτι, τόσο δα!...
- ελάχιστη ευτυχία -
αν αρνηθείτε στο μοίρασμα,
θα κλέψω την ψίχα του
από τις εκλεκτές σας προσδοκίες.

Τον σπόρο γενιάς αθάνατης
- δε λαθεύω - θα σπείρετε,
όταν η παρουσία μου γίνει χώμα.

΄Ετσι θα μ' εκδικηθείτε,
επειδή αντιστάθηκα στο θέλημά σας,
αψήφησα την εξουσία σας,
έστρεψα τα μανιασμένα κύματα
πάνω στα έρημα, σιωπηλά βράχια!..

                                 ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ ΚΟΥΝΤΟΥΡΗ


Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2011


 Ρώσικη βιβλιοθήκη / βιβλίο Ελευθερίας Κουντούρη / Οι Εποχές της Ιδανικής Αυταπάτης / Κριτική

Δευτέρα 8 Αυγούστου 2011

Σάββατο 6 Αυγούστου 2011


Eleftheria koundouri. I epohes tis idanikis aftapatis. Athens. Voyiatzi. 1996. 160 pages.
A young scholar of French literature and internaseveral books of modernist verse since 1980, one novel, and two volumes of her own poetry translated into Russian and English. A professional journalist and often honored with literary prizes in Greece anh abroad. Koundouri has now released " The Seasons of Ideal Self-Deception," a strange book that is difficult to classify or characterize.
The author explains her own text aw "four seasons and twelve letters, contemplative texts, "which address a "dear" man in the second person and are illustrated by color reproductions of surrealistic painting by the famous Max Ernst.
As if deriving from or suggested by these illustrations, the four longish chapters (with subdivisions)in epistolary form are written in lyric prose and communicate the
existential anguish of a sensitive and erudite woman attempting to intimate her
feelings and thoughts to another "self", a man (one assumes) whose responses are occasionally recorded and reported by the speaker. The stream of thoughts and emotions remains fluid, as nothing is thematically or systematically organized, and
topics remain utterly personal and esoteric in a way excluding third parties from this "communication."
"escape,quest,return" of these persons involved in the reification of an ideal idea constituting failure and self-deception make up the flesh of Koundouri's text
while the Ernst pictures offer its ortical skeleton. The book is a tour de force indeed, and it reads pleasantly despite a number of strictly cultural or academic allusions which do not contribute toward communication with a broad audience or readership. The text has no quotable passages and thus cannot be termed "philosophical", although it is sufficiently contemplative and abstract
to suggest a feminine sensibility which does not merely tell stories of a pessimistic nature. "Archaic Sea," "Pierced Stone," "Hidden Fire," "and "Unsilenced Wind" are the poetic titles of the four parts, their lyric flow witnessing the inner
drama of a rich and talented soul.

M.Byron Raizis
University of Athens





Eleftheria koundouri was born in Athens 1952. She studied French literature and Painting. She started writing
in "Ellinika Grammata" Publications in 1980. As a free-lance journalist, she writes in newspapers and magazines.
She has co-operated with I. Vassileiou Publishes (1980-1994). From 1995 she is co-operating with "Voyiatzi"publishes ( www.ermisgraphics gr, e-mail: ermisart@otenet.gr).
She published the books:
1.   Anazetese ( Quest), poetry, 1980.
2.   Diavaseis (Passages), poetry, 1982.
3.   Mataia tragoudia stis ochthes tou kosmou - Futile Songs on the River Banks of the world), poetry,
( Greek-English edition), 1984.
4.   Ra-Atoum, novel, 1988
5.   Empyra Semata, poetry, 1988.
6.   Idolion Alogou ( Statuette of a Horse), poetry, 1991.
7.  Hanpachble Nechu ( Futile Verses), a poems collection was published in Russia language, 1993
8.  Isagogi sto chroma (Introduction to Colour), poetry, 1994.
9.   I Epoches tis Idanikis Aftapatis ( The Seasons of Ideal Self-deception) - lyrical, contemplative texts, 1995.
10. Flaming Signals, poetry, 1999.
11.  O Chronos tis Mnimis ( Time of Memory), short stories,2004.
12. To Telos ton Imeron (The End of Days), novel, 2009.
13. Kontra ston Anemo ( Against the Wind), poetry, 2009.

Portrait, Offerings, Essays and Critical memorandums have been published for literatural contribution in newspapers, magazines, and antologies in Greece and abroad, bibliographies and encyclopaedias:
"POET",  American literature magazine.
"WORLD LITERATURE TODAY" , magazine of Oklahoma University, USA.
"POETRY GREECE", English-Hellenic bi-lingua, literature magazine.
"CARTA INTERNATIONAL DE POESIA", Argentinian literature magazine.
"AKPOΠOΛB", Russian newspaper.
"KURIER ATENESKI",  newspaper of Poland.
"Bibliography of STEPHEN WATTS" , which includes the most important poems of the twentieth century translated in English.
"Poetic Anthology of Philosophy professor from Beijing, Mr LI ZHI.

She has also been presented on Greek radio and television with interviews and parts of her literature piece of art.
In 2002 the University of Indianapolis has choosen her lecture titled " The Philosophy of Poetry",to be heard in anniversary manifestation.

She has been awarded:
1. World Academy of Art and Culture, 1997.
2. Accademia Internazionale Trinacria, 1998.
3. Writers Committee "Thea Athina"( Godess Athina) by the award of "Culture 1994", Alexander the Great Medal "1995, "Bas-Relief of Athens"1996.
4. "Educational Renaissance", 2010

Her poetry has been translated in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Polish and Italian.

She is a full Member of the GREEK LITERARY SOCIETY.