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Κυριακή 28 Αυγούστου 2011

It's the everyday person who lives quietly on the path, trying to strong
 and weak sentiments.
Is the door separating the personal from our social space, omitting the  cry.
It's the  abolished God of the pharaonic era. A God that seeks to impose
his authority,  generating on the fluid chaos -from the very matter - his
fabulous children.
It's instant people and events that complement number or cycle.
His  unfulfilled dreams, salvation or destruction.  

  Ρα - Ατουμ

The seasons of the ideal of self-deception 
Four seasons and twelve letters: Contemplative texts


Two persons, female and male, four seasons and twelve months. Two different worlds participants in existential communication. The difficult living with anotherself, marked by thoughts and memories, from denial and affirmation by doubtsand questionsconflict and compromise, of dreams and illusions, the failedimplementation of the idea into practice. The flight, search, returning mentallyhappening between passages and painted in painted areas.

The Time of memory 

Twelve persons were, as we was, like those who come will still be within a circle of thoughts and feelings, with time to be completed between everything and nothing, with memory n 'grind love, ideals, fears, wishes, truths, lies, ambition, arrogance, greed, slander, hatred and passion, the soul n 'resist or resign in loneliness.

The end of days 

The pair of ancient Greek deluge in a different version of the myth. The kosmochalasia becomes the cause to lose one another.The woman lives alone and not resisting the expectation of his return, he decides to look for him on a long course through nature.The road is not easy in the world that gave birth. Somewhere over the dream and reality, the truth is subjective and a truth that seems like an impenetrable lie. In the journey of knowledge cities yesterday, present and future. Meets timeless forms of romance, race, power, love, power and exploitation. People with their particular personality to narrate their own history and their reunion with a Deucalion, which is built and painted by their psychic and spiritual brush and nobody responds at all with the image of her beloved companion.
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